127 research outputs found

    KULT_online 15 (Januar 2008)

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    Einleitung zur Artikelreihe "Feministische Perspektiven"

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    Välditav suremus Eestis ja selle seosed sotsiaalmajanduslike näitajatega

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    Der tänzerische Film

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    Peer-Groups als Antwort auf die digitale Exklusion: Best Practice Beispiel zur Förderung digitaler Fähigkeiten bei älteren Erwachsenen

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    Niemals zuvor in der Geschichte der Technik hat eine Technologie eine so rasante Verbreitung erfahren hat, wie es mit Smartphones und Tablet PCs (digitale Medien) erlebt wurde (Moura und Carvalho 2010). Diese erweisen sich als digitale Alleskönner bzw. Minicomputer mit einem polyfunktionalen Leistungs- und Anwendungsumfang. Es verwundert nicht, dass „die Lebenswelt mit digitaler Technik […] alltägliches Handeln in nahezu allen Kontexten [präformiert].“ (Kerres 2017, S. 22) und mit einem hohen Nutzungszuspruch korrespondiert. In Deutschland beläuft sich die Anzahl der Smartphone-Nutzer auf 57 Millionen und dies bei jährlichen Zuwachsraten (Bitkom e.V. 2018).Jedoch trügt diese vermeintlich breite, gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz und die Nutzung digitaler Medien scheint sich als altersspezifisches Phänomen zu präsentieren. Liegt die Abdeckung mit Smartphones in der Altersgruppe der 14- bis 49jährigen bei über 95 Prozent (Bitkom e.V. 2018), nutzen lediglich 41 Prozent der Personen ab 65 Jahren ein Smartphone1 (Lutter et al. 2017). Dabei nimmt das Nutzungsverhalten mit zunehmenden Alter ab (Barczik 2019). Dies ist umso erstaunlicher, da digitale Medien speziell für ältere Erwachsene Möglichkeiten zur Alltagserleichterung bieten (Mori und Harada 2010, Leung et al. 2012, Thimm 2013). Überdies ermöglichen Smartphones und Tablet-PCs ortsunabhängige Interaktionsmöglichkeiten (Feist und McDougall 2013) und befördern damit die soziale Teilhabe. Feist und McDougall 2013 sprechen modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) sogar die Möglichkeit zu, den Alter(n)sprozess gelingend zu unterstützen. Dies lässt sich mit Beispielen wie Mobile Healthcare oder Ambient Assistent Living Systeme untersetzen. Entgegen dieser Vorteile wirft sich unweigerlich die Frage auf, wodurch die gegebene altersbedingte Digital Divide verursacht wird? [... aus der Einleitung

    Kv2.1 channels prevent vasomotion and safeguard myogenic reactivity in rat small superior cerebellar arteries

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    Vascular smooth muscle voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels have been proposed to contribute to myogenic autoregulation. Surprisingly, in initial experiments, we observed that the Kv2 channel inhibitor stromatoxin induced vasomotion without affecting myogenic tone. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that Kv2 channels contribute to myogenic autoregulation by fine-tuning the myogenic response. Expression of Kv2 channel mRNA was determined using real-time PCR and ‘multiplex’ single-cell RT-PCR. Potassium currents were measured using the patch-clamp technique. Contractile responses of intact arteries were studied using isobaric myography. Expression of Kv2.1 but not Kv2.2 channels was detected in intact rat superior cerebellar arteries and in single smooth muscle cells. Stromatoxin, a high-affinity inhibitor of Kv2 channels, reduced smooth muscle Kv currents by 61% at saturating concentrations (EC50 36 nmol/L). Further, stromatoxin (10–100 nmol/L) induced pronounced vasomotion in 48% of the vessels studied. In vessels not exhibiting vasomotion, stromatoxin did not affect myogenic reactivity. Notably, in vessels exhibiting stromatoxin-induced vasomotion, pressure increases evoked two effects: First, they facilitated the occurrence of random vasodilations and/or vasoconstrictions, disturbing the myogenic response (24% of the vessels). Second, they modified the vasomotion by decreasing its amplitude and increasing its frequency, thereby destabilizing myogenic tone (76% of the vessels). Our study demonstrates that (i) Kv2.1 channels are the predominantly expressed Kv channels in smooth muscle cells of rat superior cerebellar arteries, and (ii) Kv2.1 channels provide a novel type of negative feedback mechanism in myogenic autoregulation by preventing vasomotion and thereby safeguarding the myogenic response

    Detection of mostly viral pathogens and high proportion of antibiotic treatment initiation in hospitalised children with community-acquired pneumonia in Switzerland – baseline findings from the first two years of the KIDS-STEP trial

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    AIMS OF THE STUDY: Globally, since the introduction of conjugate-vaccines against encapsulated bacteria, respiratory viruses have caused most hospitalisations for community-acquired pneumonia. The aim of this study was to describe pathogens detected and their association with clinical findings in Switzerland. METHODS: Baseline data were analysed for all trial participants enrolled between September 2018 and September 2020 into the KIDS-STEP Trial, a randomised controlled superiority trial on the effect of betamethasone on clinical stabilisation of children admitted with community-acquired pneumonia. Data included clinical presentation, antibiotic use and results of pathogen detection. In addition to routine sampling, nasopharyngeal specimens were analysed for respiratory pathogens using a panel polymerase chain reaction test covering 18 viral and 4 bacterial pathogens. RESULTS: 138 children with a median age of 3 years were enrolled at the eight trial sites. Fever (obligatory for enrolment) had been present for median 5 days before admission. Most common symptoms were reduced activity (129, 93.5%) and reduced oral intake (108, 78.3%). Oxygen saturation <92% was found in 43 (31.2%). Forty-three participants (29.0%) were already on antibiotic treatment prior to admission and 104 participants (75.4%) received antibiotic treatment on admission. Pathogen testing results were available from 132 children: 31 (23.5%) had respiratory syncytial virus detected, 21 (15.9%) human metapneumovirus. The pathogens detected showed expected seasonal and age preponderance and were not associated with chest X-ray findings. CONCLUSIONS: In the context of the predominantly viral pathogens detected, the majority of antibiotic treatment is probably unnecessary. The ongoing trial, as well as other studies, will be able to provide comparative pathogen detection data to compare pre- and post-COVID-19-pandemic settings